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About us

Sean_Sisk20190928September 28, 2019-_SSK

Seven Days of Fire is a Canadian rock band from Ottawa, Ontario. They are known for their unique sound comprised of loud guitars, big sounding drums, chest-beating bass, and powerful vocals. 


The band started in 2015, where they were playing local high schools, coffee houses and parties. 7DOF generated a lot of buzz in their hometown, being one of the youngest rock bands in Ottawa at the time. As they gained more popularity, they quickly moved away from school concerts and parties, and started playing in some of Ottawa's most popular venues. These included bars such as Mavericks, Cafe Dekcuf, House Of Targ, to theatres like Shenkman Arts Centre, Bronson Centre and Centrepointe Theatre. 


Although the band had played many big venues in their hometown, they were never signed to a label, but that never held them back. With their original debut album "Rock Reborn" (Taken out of stores) they sold many copies worldwide and gained fans all around the globe. 


In early 2018, the band had separated from their original vocalist Serena Ferzli due to location, as Serena had moved away from Ottawa. With this separation in effect, the band had to rebuild their image from the ground up. Since then, the band has come back to the scene with a new sound featuring bigger amps, and even louder guitars. 


Vocals/Guitar - Bailey Alexander Jones 

Lead Guitar - Riley Duncan

Bass Guitar - Tyler Green

Drums - Alex Cooke (Cookie)

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